Flange Insulation Gaskets

Flange Insulation Kits are designed to ensure electric insulation and to combat the effects of corrosion often found in flanged pipe systems, by eliminating metal-to-metal contact, static current is halted to prevent corrosion and to aid in the cathodic protection of the piping system, The kit can be used to control stray electric currents in piping at oil, gas, water, refinery and chemical plants in order to increase the effectiveness of cathodic protection systems. Experience has shown that cathodic protection, together with high grade passive corrosion protection from the application of a coating on the pipeline, provides a most efficient and economical solution.

The Design and selection of materials used in Flange Insulation Kit Gasket, meet the twin purpose of sealing the flanges and insulation metal parts to prevent flow currents responsible for corrosion.

Norton Gaskets Chennai
Type ‘F’

The cross sectional diagram here shows how the insulation set is assembled when using an IBC style gasket insert. You can see very clearly how the opposite flanges are totally insulated from one another.

Type ‘E’

The cross sectional diagram here shows how the insulation set is assembled when using a full face gasket insert. Once again it is very clear to see that the flanges are totally insulated from one another.

Type ‘D’

The cross sectional diagram here shows how the insulation set is assembled when using a Phenolic Ring Type Joint as the gasket. The oval section ring joint will fit into a standard RTJ flange ring groove.

Kit Contents

Each Flange Insulation Kit contains the following materials as one Set

– One Insulation Gasket

– one phenolic/GRE/mylar sleeve per bolt

– two laminated phenolic/GRE/mylar washers per bolt

– two plated steel washers per bolt